Today, Guru Rinpoche day, spring has arrived in Orgyen Chö Dzong. The shrines are filled with the beauty and fragrance of flowers. Happy Guru Rinpoche day, honoring the lineage teachers!

Today, Guru Rinpoche day, spring has arrived in Orgyen Chö Dzong. The shrines are filled with the beauty and fragrance of flowers. Happy Guru Rinpoche day, honoring the lineage teachers!
The Spanish translation of Living is Dying, by Kyabjé Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche, has recently been published. The book can be downloaded in pdf for free from Siddhartha’s Intent webpage.
On April 19th there has been a Throma ts’og for Kyabjé Dungse Shenphen Dawa Norbu Rinpoche’s Mahaparanirvana, organized by Lama Karma Dorje and hosted on Zoom by Pema Lama la. Dungse Namgyal Dawa Rinpoche was with us all day to shower us his blessings.
Last March the Annual Meeting of the Buddhist Union of Spain took place in Madrid. We celebrate the presence of the Deputy Assistant Director for Relations with Religious Denominations and the Director of Pluralism and Coexistence Foundation.
Last November a group of members of the Nyingma Tersar Sangha, accompanied by Lama Yeshe Chödrön, traveled to Kathmandu (Nepal) to participate in the 4th Dudjom Krodhikali Maha Ganachakra Puja, annually organized by Kyabjé Dudjom Rinpoche Sangye Pema Shepa.