H.H. Dungse Namgay
Dawa Rinpoche
visit in Lleida
H.H. Dungse Namgay
Dawa Rinpoche
visit in Lleida
Kyabje Dudjom Rimpoche
Sangye Pema Shepa
Prayers for his swift rebirth
Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche
Sangye Pema Shepa
Prayers for his swift rebirth
Kyabje Dungse Shenphen
Dawa Norbu Rinpoche
Kyabje Dungse Shenphen
Dawa Norbu Rinpoche
Nyingma Tersar
Nyingma Tersar
buddhist community
Nyingma Tersar is a State-wide religious community with its own legal persona and full capacity to act, under the organic law 7/1980, of July 5th, on religious freedom, and Royal Decree 142/1981, of January 9th. Its purpose is to facilitate the study, reflection, meditation and practice of the teachings of the Dudjom Tersar lineage of the Nyingma school of Vajrayana Tibetan Buddhism.
In memory of
In memory of
Kyabjé Dungse Shenphen Dawa Norbu Rinpoche
Swift rebirth
Kyabjé Dudjom Rinpoche Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje

“Look at this photo, Then look at your mind. Look at the one who is looking. If you see this, you are the excellent one.”

Dudjom Sangyum Kusho Rigdzin Wangmo
Khandro Semo Lhanzey la
Featured news
Kyabje Dungse Shenphen Dawa Norbu Rinpoche's Dechö
Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, Sangye Pema Shepa's Dechö
Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje's Dechö
Condolence message from Nyingma Tersar Buddhist Religious Community, Spain
Dudjom Rinpoche, Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje's Ts'og lu
Lha Bab Duchen celebration
Long life ceremony for H.H. Dungse Namgay Dawa Rinpoche
Activities for 2021-2022 academic year
Renovation of Kyabje Dungse Shenphen Dawa Norbu Rinpoche's Peace Stupa
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