· Teachings on the Six Paramitas
· Dudjom Tersar Tröma Wangchen and Bumtsog
12th – 16th October 2023
Torrebesses, Lleida (Spain)
Teachings on the Six Paramitas
Dudjom Tersar Tröma Wangchen and Bumtsog
12th – 16th October 2023
Torrebesses, Lleida (Spain)
Six attitudes to transform your life
October 12th
10:00 am – 12:30 pm and 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm
The six paramitas, far-reaching attitudes or transcendent perfections —generosity, ethical discipline, patience, diligence, concentration, and wisdom—, are crucial teachings in the practice of Mahayana Buddhism. By developing them in our daily life, we can transform our mental states in order to get rid of negative thoughts, emotions and habits, cultivate excellent virtues that accompany us along the entire path, and awaken us to our true nature.
H.H. Dungse Namgay Dawa Rinpoche will introduce us to these teachings, which are foundational for newcomers as well as seasoned practitioners, and which allow us to make our innate qualities flourish.
Read more about H.H. Dungse Namgay Dawa Rinpoche.

Dudjom Tersar Tröma Wangchen
October 13th
10:00 am – 1:30 pm and 3:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Tröma Nagmo is a feminine embodiment of wisdom and the innermost secret aspect of the khandro practice in the Dudjom Tersar lineage. The practice of Tröma Nagmo, which is one of the most profound termas (hidden treasures) revealed by Dudjom Lingpa, provides us with an extremely powerful means to cut through the dualistic clinging of mind, the root of suffering thus revealing our inherent wisdom nature. In the Dudjom Tersar tradition, the practice of Tröma Nagmo contains the complete path of Vajrayana, from the Ngöndro all the way through to the Dzogchen practices of Trekchö and Tögal. It is well known that through the Tröma Nagmo cycle of practice, thirteen of Dudjom Lingpa’s disciples attained the rainbow body, and it is predicted that many more will continue to do so for three generations to come. Merely making a connection to Tröma brings great benefit and blessings.
The entrance to the entire cycle is through the Tröma Empowerment. The Wangchen, or major empowerment, is the highest wang in Tröma, which includes all the deities and covers all the practices of the cycle.

Dudjom Tersar Tröma Bumtsog
October 14th-16th
10:00 am – 1:30 pm and 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm
The practice of tsog offering is an extremely skillful method for intensifying purification and the accumulation of merit and wisdom, which are essential on the Vajrayana path to awakening. The word tsog means “accumulation” or “gathering.” It is, therefore, a practice of gathering practitioners, offerings, deities, merit and wisdom. It is said that the benefits of tsog are immeasurable and that through this practice the activities of pacifying, enriching, magnetizing and subjugating are perfected; all impairments and breakages of samaya are amended; the bond with deities, teachers, protectors, and vajra brothers and sisters is restored; all unfavorable circumstances are dispelled; the accumulations of merit and wisdom are perfected, and the ordinary and supreme siddhis are accomplished.
Through the Tröma Nagmo bumtsog, or accumulation of 100,000 tsog offerings, we can accumulate merit and wisdom in a vast and rapid way, and remove obstacles, both for our short-term happiness and those hindering our ultimate awakening.


Six attitudes to transform your life
October 12th
10:00 am – 12:30 pm and 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm
The six paramitas, far-reaching attitudes or transcendent perfections —generosity, ethical discipline, patience, diligence, concentration, and wisdom—, are crucial teachings in the practice of Mahayana Buddhism. By developing them in our daily life, we can transform our mental states in order to get rid of negative thoughts, emotions and habits, cultivate excellent virtues that accompany us along the entire path, and awaken us to our true nature.
H.H. Dungse Namgay Dawa Rinpoche will introduce us to these teachings, which are foundational for newcomers as well as seasoned practitioners, and which allow us to make our innate qualities flourish.
Read more about H.H. Dungse Namgay Dawa Rinpoche.

Dudjom Tersar Tröma Wangchen
October 13th
10:00 am – 1:30 pm and 3:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Tröma Nagmo is a feminine embodiment of wisdom and the innermost secret aspect of the khandro practice in the Dudjom Tersar lineage. The practice of Tröma Nagmo, which is one of the most profound termas (hidden treasures) revealed by Dudjom Lingpa, provides us with an extremely powerful means to cut through the dualistic clinging of mind, the root of suffering thus revealing our inherent wisdom nature. In the Dudjom Tersar tradition, the practice of Tröma Nagmo contains the complete path of Vajrayana, from the Ngöndro all the way through to the Dzogchen practices of Trekchö and Tögal. It is well known that through the Tröma Nagmo cycle of practice, thirteen of Dudjom Lingpa’s disciples attained the rainbow body, and it is predicted that many more will continue to do so for three generations to come. Merely making a connection to Tröma brings great benefit and blessings.
The entrance to the entire cycle is through the Tröma Empowerment. The Wangchen, or major empowerment, is the highest wang in Tröma, which includes all the deities and covers all the practices of the cycle.

Dudjom Tersar Tröma Bumtsog
October 14th-16th
10:00 am – 1:30 pm and 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm
The practice of tsog offering is an extremely skillful method for intensifying purification and the accumulation of merit and wisdom, which are essential on the Vajrayana path to awakening. The word tsog means “accumulation” or “gathering.” It is, therefore, a practice of gathering practitioners, offerings, deities, merit and wisdom. It is said that the benefits of tsog are immeasurable and that through this practice the activities of pacifying, enriching, magnetizing and subjugating are perfected; all impairments and breakages of samaya are amended; the bond with deities, teachers, protectors, and vajra brothers and sisters is restored; all unfavorable circumstances are dispelled; the accumulations of merit and wisdom are perfected, and the ordinary and supreme siddhis are accomplished.
Through the Tröma Nagmo bumtsog, or accumulation of 100,000 tsog offerings, we can accumulate merit and wisdom in a vast and rapid way, and remove obstacles, both for our short-term happiness and those hindering our ultimate awakening.
Location and contact
Casal de Torrebesses
Calle de la Planeta, 34
25176 Torrebesses, Lleida – Spain
(25 km from Lleida)
Nyingma Tersar España
(contact for this event)
+34 616 09 72 52 (phone calls, Whatsapp and Telegram)
All are invited to attend on this auspicious occasion. The teachings have no cost. However, to attend it is necessary to register, since places are limited and will be granted in order of registration.
If you wish to make a voluntary donation, you can do so at the reception. Thank you so much.
H.H. Dungse Namgay Dawa Rinpoche will speak in English, and he will be translated into Spanish.
All are invited to attend on this auspicious occasion. The teachings have no cost. However, to attend it is necessary to register, since places are limited and will be granted in order of registration.
If you wish to make a voluntary donation, you can do so at the reception. Thank you so much.
H.H. Dungse Namgay Dawa Rinpoche will speak in English, and he will be translated into Spanish.
Some accommodation options
Near Torrebesses
Castell Palau Torrebesses · Ca l’Aviador · Ca la Ignàsia · Cal Xolva · Alberg Garrigues Altes
In Lleida
B&B Hotel Ciudad de Lleida · Hotel NH Lleida Pirineos · Hotel Real Lleida · Hotel Zenit Lleida · Parador de Lleida
Find more options here

Some accommodation options
Near Torrebesses
Castell Palau Torrebesses · Ca l’Aviador · Ca la Ignàsia · Cal Xolva · Alberg Garrigues Altes
In Lleida
B&B Hotel Ciudad de Lleida · Hotel NH Lleida Pirineos · Hotel Real Lleida · Hotel Zenit Lleida · Parador de Lleida
Find more options here clicando aquí
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By this merit may we attain Omniscience
And overcome the evil enemies.
May beings, buffeted by the waves of birth, old age, sickness and death,
Be liberated from the ocean of existence.
By this merit may we attain Omniscience
And overcome the evil enemies.
May beings, buffeted by the waves of birth, old age, sickness and death,
Be liberated from the ocean of existence.