On February 7th, in the aupiciousness of Dakini day, H.H. Dungse Namgay Dawa Rinpoche and Yeshe Nyingpo and Orgyen Cho Dzong crew offered a beautiful rendition of Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche’s Ts’og lu, sung by Dechen Wangmo.

H.H. Dungse Namgay Dawa Rinpoche has expressed the wish that at this time of difficulty the blessings of Kyabje Rinpoche’s Ts’og lu may radiate like a healing nectar. This was especially presented as an offering to all of those who have been working in the frontlines in this pandemic, and all of those who have lost loved ones or have otherwise been adversely effected by this present situation.

In words of H.H. Dungse Namgay Dawa Rimpoché, “may all of the authentic lineages of the Buddhadharma flourish and in particular our precious Dudjom Tersar lineage continue benefitting beings until all are free of suffering and its causes”.

We share this beautiful work so the largest number of sentient beings can receive the blessings of liberation upon sight and hearing.